the unknown exploits of volunteers of america western washington….

as VOAWW earns ridiculos profits they protect EMPLOYEES with IMPUNITY who would nickname clients, bully whistleblowers,COLLABORATE to get away with fireable OFFENSEs, and are willing to engage in or lie about illegal activity upon request—-and that has done direct harm to me, our COMMUNITY and those ethical people with standards that include truth transparency and the want to do for others WITHOUT coveting wealth and taking from the DOWNTRODDEN.

I will not stand for that and NEITHER should you!!!

A recent history of fraud and theft in Volunteers of America:

“Volunteers of America Southwest California (“VOASC”) was dismantled and lost assets. After a whistleblower and auditor reported numerous fraudulent activities and poor practices, VOASC ended up in a private lawsuit and legal action with the county.” Thomas ingram law group 11/13/24

“Volunteers of America VOA Mid-States terminated former Chief Operating Officer Tiffany Cole Hall in January 2023 after an internal investigation found she was using a VOA-issued credit card to skim funds "intended to support the vulnerable individuals and communities VOA Mid-States serves" for personal use, according to a statement provided on behalf of the organization.”

“Volunteers of America Los Angeles has also been found to have a string of accountant errors, fraud, and misuse of public funds. The Department of Veteran Affairs conducted an audit for the double billing of its Veteran Service Center. It was concluded the organization knowingly billed for services that weren’t rendered. At the highest of the scandal, the organization billed $100,000 per months, then dwindled to $10,000 per month after auditors notified the organization of their mal practices. The organization parachuted the program manager Henry Wilson for this scandal to go away.”

“VOlunteers of america Western Washington is in LEGAL battle with OPERATOR of site regarding. They were able to have the case dimmissed via lack of facial PLAUSIBILITY. The case was dissmissed wihtout PREJUDICE allowing operator to refile. Operator is in the rewrite process and will continue advocating for the COMMUNITY, ethical staff at voaww and for the people wh violated clients rights to be held accountableeven if that means termination.”

however Charity Navigator states “This charity's (VOA) score is 97%, earning it a Four-Star rating. If this organization aligns with your passions and values, you can give with confidence.”

Which I am sure will change as more VOAS come out with criminal activity.

I am doing my part… Are you?

A nonprofit organization "must do good" by fulfilling its primary purpose of providing positive social impact through its activities, addressing a community need, and demonstrably achieving its stated mission, all while operating ethically and transparently, without the primary goal of generating profit for individuals or shareholders..

VOAWW has lost sight of that mission as the numbers below and client living conditions contained in the exploits drop down demonstrate.

2011 Revenue:


net income:$511, 939

Company RevenuE jump:

From $31,442,954 in 2020 to $136,035,681 2023…

net income:$14,809,240 in profits

during that time Homelessness went up 13.8%.

2024 Revenue:

Call: 425-259-3191

Tell them to show you the money…

CEO: 2020 $165,159 - 2023 $437,668. Plus $100k in bonus over two years

income Went up 165% (not including bonus)

COO: 2020 $100,915 to 2023 $181,308

income Went up 80%

(not including bonus)

CFO: 2020 $113,254 to 2023 $180,308.

income went up 59.1%

CURRENT CEO Brian “give me more money” smith is knowledgable about everything contained in this site and denies it through his ATTORNEY.

current coo kristi “I get half of what smith gets” myers

current CFO john “I get almost a 3rd of what smith gets” NG

If youd like to see the rest of the team:

LAst year THEY froze minimal raises on front line staff yet gave themselves raises and bonus’.

YOu’ll also notice that they are nicknamed very childish names, however,they allow staff to nickname clients so turn around is fair play.

when three of those clients died from fentnyl I COULDN'T remember THEIR real names.

Just “amputee-man” etc,etc.

in that same three years while I worked as a rapid re-housng case manager while they paid themselves for making more money of the crisis—-I moved every single INDIVIDUAL and family on my caseload from HOMELESSNESS in to empty housing they could not afford——

without furniture, dishes, cookware, bedding, a bed, bathroom materials (such as floor mat, shower curtain, towels or grooming materials) a couch, a table or any type of ENTERTAINMENT like a radio or a tv.

The clients sat in an empty apartment with broken down second hand dumpster finds while the top not only gave themselves raises and bonus money but cars and top end office FURNITURE.

And at the end of the year when VOAWW WITHDReW thier funds and the client (mostly on SSDI) could not aford the apartment VOAWW shrugs THEIR shoulders blames the case worker and client “they SHOULD HAVE IMPROVED thier income”

the client then rejoins homelessness so they can be counted as a head needed for funding and voaww can continue to make money of them while patting themselves on the back.

The people running this branch are getting fat of off the trauma misery and chaos the vulnerable deal with and are nothing more then chicken hawks.

They are always looking for volunteers though:

snoho county human services

our TAX MONEY voaww

is ok with wasting our on allowing people to live in filth on drugs while VOAWW gives themselves bonuses with money meant to solve the problem..

They know about everything contained here and act with voaww to cover up these serious health code and hippa violations to save face and keep thier barely paid front line worker generator (VOAWW) running for them so tehy can save while PROFITING.

also as they started making record breaking profits they started going negative in the property DIVISION.

How can you make $14.8 million as a nonprofit while taking millions of losses on the property division at the same time?

No really someone ask them….

Let me guess more raise and bonus money?!

This is how the skim I was fought to be a part of works:

They do not report health code violations (Pay no fines)

They do not follow health code standards for FENTANYL/meth contamination (No money in contracts)

they double bill outreach and rapid rehousing POSITION charging both the county and FCS contract for the same work hours (without paying employees for extra work added to job DESCRIPTION), THE contract is then billed for every direct and indirect service hours AVAILABLE.

LASTLY, they cover up hippa abuse and other clients right violations that would cost them contracts and access to protected data.

These funds then become bonus money, raise money, furniture money, eating out money, and newtop tier staff vehicle money.

Brian SMith CEO is at the top taking the largest percentage.

The EXECUTIVE branch under him all get a percentage and so does all levels of MANAGEMENT.

human resources gets a percentage while also blocking whistle blowers, aiding in concealment of crimes.

housing services operates the OUTREACH and RAPID teams that bill FCS while working under county contracts.

Policy Manager Eunice GONZAGA aided in concealing hippa and health code violations.

Joseph harter manages the skim on FCS and conceals hippa and health code violations.

Gayle Anderson requests the FCS billing hours and compiles them for harter.

Then the workers in outreach and rapid bill for every hour applicable regardless of if they are ACTUALLY doing the indirect service hours.

so while thier uneducated case managers nickname and allow clients to live in pure filth ——

they make hundreds of THOUSANDS in raise and bonus money while expanding into more low QUALITY and illegally ran services.

All the money funnels up to the top instead of down to the homeless and VULNERABLE.

which is counter intuitive for a CHRISTIAN non profit but they would actually have to be CHRISTIAN to have christian values—

they have become nothing more then false profits skimming the COMMUNITY.