Dec 11, 2024
Case manager
Former employee, less than 1 year
Denver, CO
CEO approval
Business outlook
You get to help homeless Veterans.
Extremely high stress and very high staff turnover. Management will lie to your face and make up reasons to fire. Pay is very low while management does little with unfairly high pay compared to the rest of the “team”. Training is non existent, on day one they will load up new case managers with upwards of 20 clients, then wonder why they can’t keep employees. They treat employees like replaceable garbage and the clients suffer as a result.
Advice to Management
All of management needs to be cleared out with more competent, professional people. They preach integrity, yet they have absolutely none.
Oct 12, 2024
Case manager
Former employee, more than 1 year
Denver, CO
CEO approval
Business outlook
Helping people that are in need
Management is bad and they only care about numbers
Mar 29, 2024
Ancient organization with a culture to match
Program manager
Former employee, more than 1 year
Los Angeles, CA
CEO approval
Business outlook
Depending what team/department you're on, you may work with some good folks. They provide you with work cell/computer. If you're looking to get your start in your career, this is may be a place to settle on for now. If you're mid-senior career and trying to "fix" the place, you may make incremental impact, but don't hold you're breath...
Disorganized; very siloed; leadership is secretive; they will hire you weeks/months before you start the actual job you were hired for ("training" at another site;) they oddly give out grocery gift cards for the holidays (the pay is so low for some jobs/you'll need it/and may qualify for the same benefits their unhoused clients do;) boring and old work culture (no culture at all?); very high employee turnover and then some folks there for years coasting for their pension plan; leadership expects you to be at their beck and call; meanwhile, they won't even show up to their own meetings; they don't care for their employees, unless your a favorite (complaints to HR will be met with silence;) just a stagnant place to work and you'll feel it.
Advice to Management
Collaborate with your teams/departments, practice transparency, have an organizational overhaul, value employees, do better.
Aug 15, 2024
Case manager
Current employee, more than 1 year
Fayetteville, NC
CEO approval
Business outlook
Doing amazing work Networking in the community
The Pay Lack of support from management No accountability across all levels
Jul 18, 2024
Assistant property manager
Current employee, less than 1 year
Chicago, IL
CEO approval
Business outlook
The services for the veterans, and coworkers
Low pay, upper management only cares about money coming in, not all aspects of doing the job. Mistreatment of staff. They continuously hire unqualified people, especially in maintenance. Unsupported and unappreciated.
May 6, 2024
Senior reentry support specialist
Former employee, less than 1 year
Dayton, OH
CEO approval
Business outlook
The interview was good. They presented themselves very well, however management doesn't engage with new employees.
Too faced management team. Smiling in your face and will not include the new hire in anything. The employees show disdain to disdain. Disrespectful and sexual harassment occuring daily and they don't have an open door policy for new hires. Horrible treatment daily. Conflict between employees and management just ignore. Do not work here. Stay away Mediocre pay.
Advice to Management
Mar 17, 2024
Management has changed significantly
Healthcare navigator
Current employee, more than 5 years
Chicago, IL
CEO approval
Business outlook
The work itself is so fulfilling and you can make a difference. The management on the other. Promote within the company.
Promote within but will give you pennies to the dollar if you another position. The management on the other hand is not good. They don't train you for your job position. When I first started they tried to add some things on my job that weren't even on my job description. There is a lot of confusion. They are requiring staff to work from the office 5 days a week and HR said we don't believe in work-life balance.
Advice to Management
The whole system of management is broken.
Jun 13, 2024
Gender bias and office politics
Senior accountant
Current employee, less than 1 year
CEO approval
Business outlook
Hard to find anything good to say about this organization. The accounting department is nothing short of a circus. They do not even do regular bank reconciliations. It is no wonder that they have failed their last five financial audits.
Extreme gender bias. Ridiculous and childish office politics. Terrible leadership.
May 17, 2023
Case manager
Current employee
CEO approval
Business outlook
I enjoy what I do, and I enjoy helping people who have never had anyone really care about them. I like being able to help folks get community resources, and show them that they can do it. It is VERY rewarding to help folks learn how to help themselves, and know that what we've done is impactful to their lives and well being. The local atmosphere is great with coworkers, and we have a general sense of comradery that makes the day to day stress lower than what you would expect.
Low pay. Once they hired consultants to find out how to "improve things", and when the consultants were told point blank that Case Manager Pay was low for our case loads and work expectations, they told us just as matter-of-factly that Pay was not being considered. They open location after location to pull in grant money, and income generating locations, but they keep putting those funds into their top tier positions and pet projects instead of paying their front line workers a livable wage.
Advice to Management
Local Management here does an AMAZING JOB at keeping us pushing along though we are exhausted, burned out, and disenfranchized with our Corporate unofficial slogan of "Serving the least, the last, and the lost". They pay us the least, treat us to any rewards last, and work us until our outlook is lost and we leave. You can do better, Van Arx. Do it for your people so we can do even better for those we serve.
Apr 26, 2024
Ethically Questionable/No Bonuses/Low Wages
Anonymous employee
Current employee, more than 5 years
Denver, CO
CEO approval
Business outlook
I do not have any pros.
all decisions are made by a board that have no knowledge of employees/day to day operations, stuck in the past, no performance bonuses, no merit increases, low wages for direct service/mid-level staff.
Mar 20, 2024
Moral injury specialist
Former employee, less than 1 year
Billings, MT
CEO approval
Business outlook
The idea was a good one, but they do not follow their own pillars of virtues.
8 women quit within three months Management is toxic Turnover is over 100% Veterans are not getting the money
Advice to Management
There is no screening through HR and it renders HR useless when an employee makes a report. Managers cover up the mistakes instead of learning and following their own mission statement.
Feb 26, 2024
Resident aide
Former employee, less than 1 year
New York, NY
CEO approval
Business outlook
Providing services to homeless people, helping others.
Low pay, expected to do back to back doubles and triples. Gossip and toxic workplace, and when reported, management looks the other way, definitely burn out. Zero work balance. High employee turn around.
Advice to Management
Treat your good hardworking employees better by addressing and taking action when incidents are reported by employees to you, so that you may retain them. Hire supervisors that are experienced, and know how to create team spirit and respect on shift,
Jul 22, 2023
Anonymous employee
Former employee
Durham, NC
CEO approval
Business outlook
Pays better than other companies, but it’s been revealed that not all staff (in SSVF) get paid the same, although they are supposed to. Some staff, including team leads and specialists, didn’t receive their pay increases while others did; they were simply forgotten about. Hybrid schedule is a plus and literally the only reason why staff have stayed, but they’re slowly taking that away and making certain days mandatory.
The turnover is really high. Management is not the best and very unprofessional. Favoritism is high so if you’re unprofessional, somewhat ratchet, and have minimal standards, you’ll be promoted. They constantly verbally implement rule changes without documenting it and most of them aren’t helpful because executive management barely knows what’s going on.
Advice to Management
Hire all new management in the SSVF department. The assistant director and program director have created toxicity within the offices. The program director blames the assistant director for everything and she barely knows what’s going on half the time. Just start fresh and hire new management at this point.
Employment at VOA -RRC please read before considering!
Hearing officer
Former employee, more than 1 year
Baltimore, MD
CEO approval
Business outlook
You have a nice size office.
No upward progression although they tell you it is, but it is not!!! No cost of living pay increases, if you get a raise it is 1.00 or under Management talks about their staff to other non management staff Management staff is unreasonable You are tasked to do the job of three people and told your being held responsible Stressful environment because EVERYONE wants to be in charge with no directions; TOXIC work environment management lacks communication with staff LACK of TRAINING management is ALWAYS in meetings for hours with no results not work life balance friendly in order to take off you have to give a 3 week notice even for half days; life happens. Management is unreasonable.
Advice to Management
Great employees quit because of poor management, low pay, and a toxic environment, not because they can't handle the work.
Sep 9, 2022
(VOA Texas review) It's who you know
Current employee, more than 5 years
CEO approval
Business outlook
Their work with the elderly is admirable. Depending on the program staff can be pretty tight knit. If you're single the benefits package is good--or it was when I was there.
VOA Texas apparently doesn't have a presence on Glassdoor. This review is for them not the VOA National organization. This is telling in that how many positive reviews would they get against negative reviews? HQ administrative management is a clique. If they like you, they'll find a new position for you if you screw-up; if they don't like you, they'll find a way to terminate you. In my last four years I saw 4 managers terminated who didn't kiss the ring and 3 managers reassigned because they were "dedicated". You won't have work/life balance. You aren't part of the family if you don't work 60+ hours weekly and/or answer calls/emails when "off the clock". If you're an hourly employee and don't accept extra shifts or work over your scheduled shift when someone calls off you'll be put on a list, figuratively speaking. If you have dependents the agency doesn't help at all with paying their health insurance.
Advice to Management
No one should have to kiss-up to be considered a good employee. Employee opinions are as valid as yours. Don't blindside employees with termination. I saw two managers given "management training" to help them become better employees but as it turns out it was just more ammo to use to fire them. ("We worked with the employee...") Don't expect employees to read your mind. If you don't have clear-cut expectations for the employee then that's on you not them. You also don't have to beat around the bush; there was a manager whose boss kept saying "a little bird told me..." This is immature and breeds an untrustworthy atmosphere.
Feb 5, 2024
Human resources
Former employee
Los Angeles, CA
CEO approval
Business outlook
Remote work. Time is good. Local
Management is horrible. Not enough diversity. Lousy. Unorganized. People always quit. Ghetto
Sep 5, 2022
Be very aware of this organization
Aod support worker
Former employee, less than 1 year
Los Angeles, CA
CEO approval
Business outlook
The best part of the job was my coworkers
I was hired to initially work at a new center that they claimed that they were opening. Come to find out the new center had been "opening" for almost two years. What organization takes two years to open up a new building. What was more concerning was after asking supervisors and management and HR when the actual opening date was NO ONE could give an answer. I was placed in downtown skid row to "train" for only a "few weeks" - came to realize that many others who had been hired before me had been told the same thing and had been there for months. Aside from the safety concerns of working on skid row (no escorts from the building to the parking lot after dark, etc) the building itself was horribly outdated and filthy. Cockroaches everywhere. Drug sales going on in the hallway and the stairwells and staircases. This facility also seemed to be a dumping group for individuals who clearly needed a higher lever of care. Overall it was a very disappointing experience which goes to show why they simply cannot keep staff. If a facility is not going to open for another 6 months to a year then tell staff .. its that simple.
Advice to Management
You cannot manage staff when you are offsite. Have an onsite director there who can actually see what the problems are issues are. Have a training program in place. I was trained by someone who had only been there for 3 weeks. Constant emails from upper management were hostile and threatening in tone and didn't spirit a sense of teamwork. If you can't keep staff look into it and make changes.
Jun 6, 2023
Great self satisfaction but bad management
Family advocate i
Former employee, more than 3 years
Los Angeles, CA
CEO approval
Business outlook
You gain experience working with your community and learning how to obtain resource. They always offer trainings. You learn about most aspects in the psychology/social work field. The work you do is very rewarding. Most Families are there because they want and appreciate your help.
Management is terrible. They will gaslight you and belittle you. I was able to ignore it the first year but after a few years the work environment became toxic. Very bad if you need to leave work for emergencies. They give you warnings if you need to leave for funerals, weddings you have informed a year in advance, or family problems in general.
Advice to Management
Train Supervisors on how to work with their site as a team.
Dec 31, 2023
Case manager
Current employee
Fullerton, CA
CEO approval
Business outlook
This is not a good company to work for
Low pay Horrible management No room for growth Terrible HR
Jun 20, 2023
Great Co-Workers Terrible "Culture"
Executive coordinator
Former employee, less than 1 year
Cheyenne, WY
CEO approval
Business outlook
Some of the best people I've ever worked with.
Very low pay. Under appreciated employees. Top-down management. They preach about culture but they don't listen to their employees. Siloing and tribalism between departments. Competitive culture. Low commemoratory. Belittling from upper management to employees. Gossiping.
Advice to Management
Listen to your employees. There is a culture of top-down management. There is a lot of tribalism between departments. They have an old-school idea of management, office culture and rules that definitely chased me out.
May 19, 2023
Former employee, more than 1 year
Tampa, FL
CEO approval
Business outlook
None except the clients you work with
The new clinical coordinator did not know how to do her job, she would micromanage and not communicate with you on her expectations until it’s too late. She would yell unprofessionally and HR did nothing, only state it’s hard to find clinicians for that position. She stopped my professional growth because she wanted to punish me, and when I left, she did not want to approve my clinical hours that I have earned to go towards my social work license. The pay is low, but a qualified supervisor was offered. This company does care for its employees, run fast
Advice to Management
Listen to employees and that’s why there is high turnover rate
Apr 2, 2023
Flexible but horrible management and HR
Social worker/case manager
Current employee, more than 3 years
Los Angeles, CA
CEO approval
Business outlook
Flexible hours Hybrid remote Paid mileage
Corporate notifies other departments and employees about impending layoffs but not the department being laid off Cap at 28.99 Poor management and hiring candidates Looks for loopholes in hiring, case notes and discipline and HR does nothing about complaints about inappropriate workplace behavior or harassment. You WILL be asked for travel outside the areas specified in your contract and will not be paid extra for it. No unemployment if you are laid off due to tax status. No bonuses, very minimal raises (3-5%)
Apr 12, 2023
Anonymous employee
Former employee, more than 1 year
Greenbelt, MD
CEO approval
Business outlook
You get Saturdays and Sundays off
Employees are expected to be flexible to the point of breaking due to friction and the organization not finding it important to invest in their staff. The management and executives lack effective communication and are deeming, condescending, and isolating. Management was allowed to yell at and belittle staff in front of patients and other staff. The constant drama, extremely high turnover, low staff morale, nonexistent training for management, and lack of responsiveness of HR – taking 6 months to acknowledge grievances, is not worth the experience you can get quality employment elsewhere. They have high education and experience requirements, but pay what a teenager would make on a summer job.
Feb 13, 2023
Family advocate
Current employee, more than 1 year
CEO approval
Business outlook
Helping families Maybe 3 or 4 good coworkers
Disrespectful and condescending management "Welcome to VOA" said by anyone anytime you bring up a concerning situation. People here are literally resigned to their fate and make no effort to improve bad situations Severely short staffed. You will be told to "just deal with it" if you call attention to needing help. Poor pay. They removed the extra covid pay and then wanted us to be "so excited" to receive a 5.5% pay increase. It was "so much higher than ever before!" Except inflation went up over 7% and this made it so we made maybe 1 cent more than we did with the covid bonus. It was pretty clear to me they didn't want people to quit when they were suddenly making even less per hour than before when prices are continuing to sky rocket. Don't think you can just negotiate more, there is a set pay for every position. Even people who have worked there 25 years get paid the same as someone of 25 days. There is very little benefit to staying employed long term. Very little advancement opportunities. When they do exist, the company can literally decide to not let you move up or over. Your supervisor can decide, "I can't let this person go, I need them here." So even if you're ready to move on, they can decide to say no.
Advice to Management
Learn some compassion. Your employees are overworked, under appreciated, under staffed, and spoken to very poorly by management. Very specifically the education teams. Telling someone to "deal with it" is just wrong. How hard would it be to say, "I understand and have looked into it. Unfortunately for x reason I cannot provide y at this time. I want you to know I am here to support you the best I am able to and ask that you continue to do the best you can while we work on a longterm solution." Same message, but way more respectful and compassionate.
Aug 3, 2023
I only gave it one star because it wouldn’t let me not pick one
Shift leader/rss
Former employee
Mansfield, OH
CEO approval
Business outlook
They are always hiring because they push good employees out the door.
Don’t expect to move up unless you’re in their inner circle of unethical, corrupt and selfish ways.
Unprofessional, Unorganized, Inconsiderate
Human resources
Former employee, less than 1 year
Euless, TX
CEO approval
Business outlook
Management was always gone, sick, in the ER, taking vacations, coming in late but would get mad if something wasnt done to their liking and tell is were the unprofessional ones. Management would tell you to do one thing, and then say they never told you that so communication was very poor. My manager was old, sick and I believe suffering from memory problems because she would often forget what she said but blame you for something she forgot. Also she admitted the reason she wasn't coming in the the office or coming in late and leaving early is because she was spending time with her boyfriend she met in facebook. Manager didn't want to train. They expect you to do 3 different jobs in one but don't want to pay you for it or give you a raise. Top executives look for ways they can skim money and bonuses in their paycheck while paying you very little for multiple jobs. They treat minorities like slaves or peasants very distrustful and will try to micromanage you and I worked in HR. Management, executives and the CEO are all senior citizens that are either too sick, old or incapable of doing their job and need to retire and let new fresh faces come in but they don't want to train and give up control of their position and money. High turn around rate. I have never worked at a place so unprofessional. I left and so did three other employees in HR in the span of 3 months. Hr was very disorganized, conflicting and unprofessional. But then again no one is over the HR manager but the CEO. They both are old, sickly and need to retire. Current manager is greedy and always paying herself monthly bonuses when she is hardly in the office and does little to no work.
Management talks about you behind your back. Trashes staff to the CEO because their scared of competent staff taking their position. No communication or presence from management but they have the nerve get mad if something is not done to their liking. Unorganized and backed up with loads of work because management doesn't do their job but has the nerve to pay themselves bonuses every month while you do everybody's work. This place is highly unethical for a nonprofit. No room to move up as higher management backbites the lower staff members. The only people that move up are he top executives. Very cliquish.
Advice to Management
If you want to keep someone in those HR position, your going to have to pay more since you have staff doing 3 jobs in one. Get competent management that is capable of doing their job so everybody exceeds. Current manager is greedy and always paying herself monthly bonuses when she is hardly in the office and does little to no work.
Dec 17, 2022
Anonymous employee
Former employee, more than 3 years
CEO approval
Business outlook
Our team went through so much together, the good, the bad, and the ugly. In that sense, it did feel like a family. Insurance benefits were ok. UnitedHealthcare isn't a bad medical provider at all. Dental and vision were decent, too. I am grateful that we had paid holidays. This was actually my first job where I enjoyed not having to work on Thanksgiving.
Emotional abuse. One of the lowest points during my time here was getting yelled at in front of the rest of my coworkers for something my manager should've pulled me aside in private to discuss. I have reason to believe that her own manager encouraged her to handle the matter like that, to intimidate me into compliance. Other team members experienced similar situations to varying degrees. They chose horrendously childish, toxic ways of handling feedback, and it cost them several employees. They have only themselves to blame. (Openly referring to another employee, a hard-working girl, who had to go home sick a few times as "just lingering" was especially cruel.) Nitpicking. Not sure if that's really the right word for this, but it felt like my best efforts would never be enough. The worst case of this was my last review, written by my boss's boss, who had a decent enough understanding of my work ethic. She insinuated that it was "clear" when I didn't know what I was doing in my position and that I spent too much time talking with my coworkers. She discussed none of this with me before I received this review. It was a slap in the face after all of the time and effort I put into my position. Pay. After leaving this company for a year, I've now realized that the excuse "we're a nonprofit" really doesn't hold much weight. You have to make your employees a priority, or you run the risk of getting yourself horribly short-staffed. With the plethora of far better-paying jobs out there, we have no reason to linger in an unhappy place when we can go elsewhere for several more dollars' worth. Speaking of pay, there was a constant issue of us not receiving our annual reviews on time. My 2nd review with them was delayed by a whopping 9 months. My manager wasn't able to prioritize getting reviews done because of the overwhelming, endless demands placed on their shoulders. Beyond that, somebody else in the organization should've made this a priority.
Advice to Management
Please, please, please understand the consequences of micromanaging your employees. It destroys trust, and it ultimately leads to you losing vital members of your team. I can say for myself (and I have reason to believe that many of my ex-coworkers would agree) that it didn't feel like we were trusted to do even the most basic aspects of our positions.
Oct 18, 2022
Case manager
Former employee, less than 1 year
CEO approval
Business outlook
No weekend or holiday work, casual environment
Underpaid, expected to do the jobs of multiple people with little to no training, you're thrown into work Day 1 without much explanation of how to do things. Coworkers treat you horribly for not knowing things you haven't had the opportunity to learn. Clique-y and exhausting
Advice to Management
Please actually train your employees. I recognize you're understaffed but the current turn-over rate is because training isn't helpful or barely happens. Actually connect with employees and make sure they are supported/able to contact you when needed.
Oct 26, 2022
Poor Management, Insufficient Pay, Inept Training, Horrible Communication.
Community administrator
Former employee, less than 1 year
Billings, MT
CEO approval
Business outlook
Flexibility with hours. Sometimes management guys lunch.
Pay is not adequate to cost of living. Benefit premiums are outrageous if you have a family, you literally do not make enough to pay for the premiums. VERY poor training and communication about procedures, policies, expectations, and important things like HOW to actually do your job. They have such high turnover, and its completely understandable once you've worked there.
Advice to Management
Create an actual procedure manual for each position. Have in-person training to learn how to do your job responsibilities. Give your employees a livable wage, they are just above very low income as it is. Have clear and consistant communication.
Oct 12, 2022
Thought it was a great first job -- it was not
Part time sales associate
Current employee, more than 1 year
CEO approval
Business outlook
If you like organizing, the job can be pretty satisfying.
Everybody is underpaid. All the managers are stressed all the time and generally dislike each other. Asking for time off and getting coverage was hell. Also VERY Christian acting (there's literally a picture of Jesus hung up on the wall), but I don't see very Christian treatment toward the employees
Advice to Management
You can keep staff because you can't pay for staff, not because they don't want to work anymore
Jul 17, 2022
Anonymous employee
Former employee
CEO approval
Business outlook
Helping ex cons with rehabilitation
Nobody deserves to be treated unfairly. I was told by a co-worker on site that my direct supervisor was talking poorly about me behind my back and even called me stupid. I’m still looking into legal action against this company. I’m so blessed to have the job I have now and am very happy and welcomed. The VOA is a very toxic and negative work environment and if you’re not like them, they don’t like you. I am proud to be back in school, thriving in my new role and successful and I’m going to be successful in my career no matter what negativity you may think or say which is just jealousy and envy. I would never work for this company again and good luck to anyone who works here.
Advice to Management
Stop discriminating on people because of their race or because they have more education than you.
Sep 10, 2022
Coordinator of residential services
Former employee, less than 1 year
Tuscaloosa, AL
CEO approval
Business outlook
Health insurance is with Blue Cross so that’s good.
The job is advertised as sharing “on call” responsibility with other people, she even told me that in the interview. What she FAILED to disclose is that you don’t share that responsibility with anybody. You are expected to be on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Meaning if you were over a home and someone called in and you couldn’t find a replacement you had to be readily available to work 24 hours a day 7 days a week. The training was sub par. No one knew what they were doing, including people that had been there longer than me.
Advice to Management
Be 100% transparent about the job duties and responsibilitie
Sep 30, 2022
Anonymous employee
Former employee, less than 1 year
CEO approval
Business outlook
There are no pros to this company.
low wages, inconsistent work hours, terrible management, non-functional building, NO TRAINING, favoritism, and managers who do not know how to do their job and hand over their work to their employees. Managers tell you one thing and then do another.
Advice to Management
Get better and more QUALIFIED managers; ones who actually KNOW HOW TO DO THEIR JOB and those who aren't rude and obnoxious. Learn how to train people for their positions.
Jun 1, 2022
Program coordinator
Former employee
CEO approval
Business outlook
Does good work in the community.
Speaking specifically of the Colorado branch, the organization has a fundamental lack of respect and gratitude for their employees. Pay is terrible and they try to justify it by saying that you should be working for the organization’s mission, not the money. It’s also a very openly hostile environment for LGBTQ employees. Plus there’s no room for advancement because management all refuse to retire.
Advice to Management
You need to pay more and you need to get with the 21st century. Or even the 20th, for that matter.
Jan 10, 2018
Some nights I couldn't sleep...
Former employee
CEO approval
Business outlook
Characteristic of any not-for-profit agency, you will find "gems" of human beings who routinely shock you out of your complacency and urges to be simply be satisfied with mediocrity; individuals who remind you that service to humanity is noble, cathartic, and transcendent.
The foolishness that "not-for-profit" actually means that "frugality reigns," and that the distribution of benefits is equal across the spectrum of employees, commensurate with qualifications and contribution. In fact, VOA is in a state of chronic turnover of essential day-to-day support staff, paraprofessional staff, and in the lower tiers of professional staff because the compensation is so poor - even in comparison to the local not-for-profit standards. Likewise, programs are chronically understaffed, the excuse being they cannot afford to hire more staff. Nevertheless, there is rarely turnover among the upper-level of entitled, detached, older - but certainly not wiser - individuals who rarely come near those who actually deliver the direct patient services. Their "handbook" of program management and delivery of treatment services is antiquated; they are unqualified and frequently operate outside their training and professional competency; and in a cavalier and "cowboy" fashion, they risk patient safety - "cutting corners" by under-staffing, providing no training or supervision around very dangerous and significantly mentally ill individuals, operating in a continuous state of chaos - and are racing toward disaster.
Advice to Management
It is said of patients, "Do no harm." Yet harm frequently is not so obvious. Taking advantage of the misery and hardship of patients for financial gain is one such form of harm. A close second is the slow, daily process of killing the motivation and joy of healers. Both of these will be discovered and judged harshly.
Mar 5, 2018
Anonymous employee
Former employee, more than 1 year
Los Angeles, CA
CEO approval
Business outlook
The agencies social services to needy individuals (some of them fall through the cracks though since supervisor/site managers NEVER check client case files or shelves.
Program staff is very underpaid, while administrators, managers, and consultants make over $100,000. Focus is on getting more and more funding but not focusing on fixing program structure. Most HQ seem to never be around especially absent on Fridays and site managers follow this habit by disappearing a lot or showing up late (then disappearing after a few hours). Site supervisors don't treat program staff properly or make up their own decisions on procedures, forms, etc. then dictate these "rules" to program staff who better obey. There are no written program procedures at all or most sites, little official training, and no open communication throughout agency and a lot of misinformation, secrets, etc. You're never sure if funds are misappropriated or individuals find ways of getting their hands on this money. If you question your site or HQ staff or make suggestions, you'll probably find yourself out of job soon. Also, the worst thing is they do not pay into Unemployment, which means after working for meager wages (while Management makes a lot) that you're living paycheck to paycheck on, once you're dismissed you can't collect Unemployment and soon may find yourself being one of this agency's clients. Overall, its inept, depressing, and borderline corrupt.
Advice to Management
Appreciate and pay staff more (including Unemployment). Work the full 40 hours. Lead by example. You're not above getting your hands dirty with files, helping out, etc.
Nov 15, 2019
Maintenance technician ii
Former employee, less than 1 year
Denver, CO
CEO approval
Business outlook
None due to poor benefits low salary and bad leadership for upper management.
Poor benefits and low salary, bad leadership, unprofessional managers, buildings infested with pest ( bedbugs ) lack of stability and mentorship, over worked maintenance technicians, no systems in place for a successful maintenance team. VOA talks a big hype to get you in the door but can't keep their word or help get good workers to help with an already stretched thin maintenance team, bad attitudes, favoritism between tenants and coworkers very political with and the Colorado branch. One tech On call for 7 days with a 6 week rotation for over 1600 units in the Denver area. As the maintenance tech 2 for VOA I was on call for emergencies only, my first week I was called by the vice president of housing operations to go respond to a possible homicide / murder at one of their properties which the actual situation was unknown at the time of what was on there, and to request a maintenance person to take care of that and relate information to and from the police to try and find out what the issue was? An absolute joke!
Advice to Management
Put a better system in place and make sure when you hire maintenance staff preparing for all barriers they might face within your company that are outside the standard procedures for maintenance technicians. Fire you manager at the Sunset Park location!
Jun 7, 2022
Current employee, more than 1 year
Chicago, IL
CEO approval
Business outlook
Remote work available, Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30 schedule
Terribly underpaid frontline employees that are NOT close to be similar to other agencies that provide the same types of services to clients
Advice to Management
Take a look in the mirror
Apr 28, 2017
Anonymous employee
Former employee, more than 3 years
Fort Worth, TX
CEO approval
Business outlook
Helping people who need it, providing resources for them to get back on their feet!
Texas State Management both is not capable of doing what is right, instead choosing to turn a blind eye to fixing issues. They hire people whose ethics/backgrounds/job history is questionable at best. Management will keep someone in a position regardless of how bad they are, how they treat employees, and how they exemplify signs of drug abuse and/or bipolar disorders. The drug & alcohol treatment divisions are the worst I have ever seen and do nothing to meet the clients needs of getting their lives back on track! Bullying and backstabbing and womanizing does not make a great leader! Upper management did NOTHING when they witnessed FIRST-HAND the unethical and abusive treatment of staff. Middle Management has card blanche to do whatever they please with no oversight, because upper management can't seem to hire the right people and their attitude is "Any body is better than no body" to avoid state fines for vacant positions. If this organization is faith-based, I would like to see their definition of the term!
Advice to Management
Texas State Management needs to step back and take a hard look at what is going on in the facilities around them.National Management needs to do a more thorough job of investigating claims of harassment, abuse, and sexual harassment. The state HR Department is a joke full of unethical persons and practices. They choose to investigate matters only when the benefit is to the accused and not the victims.
Apr 20, 2012
Anonymous employee
Current employee
Reno, NV
CEO approval
Business outlook
The core of an amazing concept is there. It is rewarding to work with the clients and co-workers.
Management: Rudeness, favoritism, secrecy, unethical, pompous, holier-than-thou, illogical, incompetent, uncommunicative, belittling, narcissistic, LAZY, pass-the-buck, deceptive, manipulative, clique, condescending, destructive, hurtful. It is a very stressful, painful place to work because of the forced contact with management, and because of the confrontational nature of interactions. I am not stressed out and constantly upset because of the horrible situations of my clients, because of the devastating lack of resources, because of the callous treatment toward the homeless, because of the devastatingly difficult issues that they face such as addiction, mental illness, horrible abuse, lack of family, friends, resources, etc...this I can take in perspective and work with. The attitude, approach and intimidation strategies of the management DOES stress me out though. I think that says a lot.
Advice to Management
If you care, administer a comprehensive employee satisfaction survey that is completely anonymous. We need our jobs, especially in this economy. We also genuinely care about the company and it is painful to see what is happening, and either have our subtle hints ignored, or go unnoticed. This work environment is becoming more toxic by the day.
Mar 15, 2018
Beware of the Leadership - IL Office
Anonymous employee
Former employee
CEO approval
Business outlook
The people there really care about the clients that they serve. Also, my job was fairly simple.
The leadership!! VOA of IL has a lot of growing to do, but unfortunately those in leadership do not seem to think so. The organization runs with a mob mentality than that of a non-profit. The leadership is so concerned about securing themselves that it comes at the expense of the all of the employees. The managers take anything you say and retaliate against you if you say something they do not like. The employees are put into a position where they must just keep their heads down to keep their jobs or kiss up to the higher ups if they want to move ahead. This makes for an extremely toxic work culture that does not allow for innovation, creativity, or fun. There are no true methods or ways to hold anyone accountable or to openly and honestly discuss concerns about the organization without it coming back to bite you in the butt. They claim they want to move forward, however, with the current CEO at VOA of IL, this will never be able to happen.
Advice to Management
Get off your high horses and show the people that work for you some respect and appreciation if you want to keep them. Otherwise you'll continue to have the same amount, and even higher rates, of turnover. The turnover is not due to fact that you are simply a non-profit, it's because of the toxic work culture.
Aug 13, 2017
Case aide
Current employee, more than 1 year
El Cajon, CA
CEO approval
Business outlook
Gain knowledge in the social services field and working with the severely mentally disabled. Learn what it's like working in a licensed mental health facility.
Clients are very challenging rude nasty violent disrespectful and just don't care. The facility is disgusting old full of mold and mildew and needs to be demolished. Management does not care and neither does licensing. Drugs are bought used and sold on the property. Even some of the staff are frequently under the influence. Staff complain all the time to corporate who turns a blind eye to what's going on because all they care about is the monthly SSI SSDI checks from the clients who suffer and can't speak up for themselves. Some staff are good while others are worthless and just want to collect a check without doing any real work. Staff work ethic is a joke.
Advice to Management
When staff complain actually listen and take heed because peoples lives and livelihood are at stake. Hold staff accountable for their actions or inactions and replace the program supervisor as he collects a check but only shows up to work one day a week and usually only for a few hours and is also frequently under the influence.
May 3, 2019
Job developer
Former employee, less than 1 year
Santa Ana, CA
CEO approval
Business outlook
Regarding employment at the HVRP Program in Orange County: 1. Getting paid according to the agreement. 2. Reasonable social/work life balance.
Regarding the HVRP Program in Orange County: 1. This describes some of the management: very toxic, very mean, crazy anger issues, strongly narcissistic, selfish, stingy. Also constantly flirting with and lusting after female workers. 2. The turnover rate is said to be EXTREMELY HIGH, like every 1-3 months. 3. Ridiculous amounts of corruption by management: accepting clients who are not qualified for the program (according to definitions set by the Department of Labor) for the sake of retaining grant funding, shifting blame for corruption onto workers once caught, using company gift cards [intended for clients’ use] for own lunches, HR promoting workers who sabotage others and then terminating workers being sabotaged (with no explanation), etc. Echoing a review about VOA on Yelp: “Don’t bother mentioning company corruption to HR; [management] will simply use your complaints against you as grounds for termination.” 4. The social dynamics are super political. Either fit into their clique or deal with crazy, endless amounts of workplace abuse/bullying, multiple workers (together with management) teaming up against other workers, sabotage, undeserved nasty attitudes, older workers trying to use newer workers for their own advantage, backhanded compliments, insane amounts of gossip, etc.
Advice to Management
No advice can save this organization. It is THOROUGHLY CORRUPT from the top-down!!!!!!!!!!!
Oct 1, 2008
Residential counselor
Current employee
Minneapolis, MN
CEO approval
Business outlook
The services VoA provides are extremely important to the communities it works in. The work they do is good work. There is a real opportunity to help people.
The hiring process is lax. It's not unusual to be working alongside some extremely unusual individuals with questionable ability to do the job. Fortunately, though, the work tends to weed out the weak in a very short amount of time, leaving behind only those with the skills and the passion to succeed. In addition, the opportunities for advancement are extremely limited. Often there is a very very small number of administrative positions atop a large number of lower level workers. While this is not completely unusual, the self-contained structure of the different agencies within VoA makes it hard to find those opportunities when they do arise. Additionally, the pay increase is laughable.
Advice to Management
The senior management is often as hodgepodge a group as the lower level employees. I would advise them to seek classes in management and other relevant fields.
Mar 2, 2017
Anonymous employee
Former employee
Chicago, IL
CEO approval
Business outlook
Personable coworkers who make the agency tolerable
Absolutely terrible management. Management acts like a tight knit clique. Little to no support from the CEO and HR. Almost no professional growth within the company unless you like kissing up to people. The foster care department is on the fringe of having it's state contract voided due to bad policy decisions the company has made over the years. The controlling management likes to micromanage work relationships, often resorting to drastic measures to dissolve friendships in the workplace. Supervisors who are never present for questions, impacting growth especially for new hires. When asked about their whereabouts they claim they were "working." Deceitful hiring practices promising higher pay for earning graduate degrees, resulting in the same salary for all the work. Ironically, this company preaches foundational principals yet fails to utilize them themselves. Will constantly force unneeded meetings and trainings on their employees without taking into consideration their input. I highly advise you to stay away from this agency. If you apply make sure you ask why their turnover rate is higher than other nonprofits. That tells you more than enough.
Advice to Management
Remove yourselves from positions of management. You are driving the agency into the ground and burning your workers out. I've never seen an agency treat their workers so poorly.
Feb 15, 2017
Volunteers of America Greater York / New Jersey Working with the poor... Can make you poor
Anonymous employee
Former employee
CEO approval
Business outlook
Good start in social services.
1.) TOO many relatives and friends working together. Due to not knowing who is related to who as a newbee one is often working with or supervising supervisors relatives and or friends. People keep their cards close to their chest. Has big drawbacks. 2.) Gov funding contracts are rebid every few years. If your site looses the contract (funding) and if no other openings exist at other locations you are out of work. New organization might interview you for your old but modified job position for a reduced wage and loss of time worked for seniority and vacation. 3.) Mostly old, beat up buildings, ready for demolition are being used. No money for rehab or maintain facilities. How is "4 computers" plugged into one power strip. Blowing circuits every day every summer with two window A/Cs.
Advice to Management
Find funding in addition to contract funding available through RFPs. Can not provide proper services to those needing them when in improper surroundings.
Nov 11, 2017
Anonymous employee
Current employee
CEO approval
Business outlook
Pays above minimum wage, decent work hours, co-workers are great ( not the program manager)
I didn't get to actually help anyone. Everything was forced to look good on paper and for the state and it didn't matter how it happened. Completely micromanage and yelled/belittled at (literally) for the simplest mistakes by program manager. Things swept under the rug as far as nitpicking what needs to be documented and what doesn't in order to make the program manager look good to her supervisors. A place dealing with individuals with disabilities should not be pushing paperwork and log entries harder than actually helping people. Maybe other VOA facilities are ok and actually helping people but the one I worked at was corrupt and needed changes. Just because it's on paper doesn't mean it's accurate. The pilosophy of the company is great if they get back to their roots and get rid of the dictators that run the place.
Advice to Management
Teach your program managers how to manage and speak to employees. Micromanaging, yelling and belittling never works for anyone. Allow more freedom with employees that want to help instead of beating the paper work over there head. Maybe be better staffed? Someone for paperwork someone for actually hands on with clients? Get back to your roots.
May 13, 2010
Former employee
North Hollywood, CA
CEO approval
Business outlook
The intent of the agency is good. This agency helps low income families out as best they can.
The lack of professionalism ruins the positive intent of the agency. The majority of the administrative staff is oblivious as to how teachers, assistant teachers, children and families are treated by the other staff. The "ghetto" feel of most employees can be seen in the demeanor in which the families are treated and other staff are treated. Yelling, ranting & put downs are all too common. Overall disrespect towards families is condoned due to fear of loosing the few precious "daycare" spots available. If you (teacher/staff) speak up and point out that something is against Developmentally Appropriate Practices (DAP), you are shunned. Only those that are educated see that this behavior is inapropriate. Those that are educated either quickly move up the corporate ladder because they do not want to be part of the inappropriateness, or leave the agency.
Advice to Management
Become aware as to how staff and families/children are being treated. Require that ALL employees have a 4-year college degree. This might enable some to be able to THINK CRITICALLY.
Jun 13, 2018
Anonymous employee
Former employee
CEO approval
Business outlook
This is an old organization that strives to serve people in need.
This particular division is fraught with turnover and stagnation of leadership. Program facilities are in desperate need of attention. No facilities staff. No IT staff. Short-staffed program personnel trying to care for high needs clients without support. Buildings in disrepair. Sketchy management of rehab program resulting in a flood of staff leaving. Constant turnover of senior management under the President who will not allow competent people to do their jobs, thus driving them away. HR, Accounting, and Development teams all turn over annually. Nothing gets done at corporate, and the programs suffer. It's a revolving door at the programs too. The corner office is all talk and no follow-through. Disrespectful of managers in public meetings. There is no true desire to accept feedback, change or improve. It's a shame, because ultimately the clients suffer.
Advice to Management
Take a true look at the astonishing turnover in senior and mid-level management roles and reflect on why that has been occurring. Create a transition plan and let talented people do what's right.
Jul 3, 2019
Revolving Door for Financial Analyst -why?
Anonymous employee
Current employee, more than 8 years
Eden Prairie, MN
CEO approval
Business outlook
Your peers and other managers are wonderful. Benefits and vacation are great, if you stay.
Do not apply for the financial analyst position at the Eden Prairie office. Several people have been in this role and terminated without cause. Multiple accounts of former employees being intimidated by her and given mixed information on what you are to do in your job or assignments she gives you. Then, she berates you and says you are incorrect. If you apply and accept an offer, you most likely will be terminated before your first year. Four people have been in this role in 2 years. Please know you are better off applying to other companies and managers who value you. Compassion, empathy, and care are part of this organization's mission towards others and is definitely not displayed by this person. Be careful.
Advice to Management
Please ask yourself why you are protecting this person who continues to terminate employees and behave this way to them during their employment. At some point, maybe it is not the employees but the person they report to that should be reassigned or terminated.
Jun 27, 2021
Anonymous employee
Former employee
CEO approval
Business outlook
They are so desperate they will hire you with little to no experience. Good work hours.
No COLA, no one to train you for your position. You learn on your own by making lots of mistakes. They only want they paper work. Supervisors give certain staff whatever they want. They don't have supervisor skills. Teachers leave for better paying jobs. High turnover. Teachers are the lowest paid. Has the most work. Its not what you know its who you know. To get higher positions in this company. Your skills don't matter if you have any. They give half the teachers work to the teacher assistant. If the assistant teacher complain that a warning then a write up. Fairness is not at this company. This place is just a place to be until you get that better paying job elsewhere. Here I was making 16.50 with my degree. I left and now making 28.00 hourly. Don't get stuck at this place. There are better paying jobs all over.
Aug 30, 2013
The captain is all smiles as the ship takes on water
Anonymous employee
Current employee
Euless, TX
CEO approval
Business outlook
I've met some great people through this organization over the years with a level of strength and integrity that is both motivating and inspiring.
Upper management is rife with ineptitude and an unwillingness to accept responsibility. Tasks are delegated to swamped departments doing everything in their power to cut costs while people with offices spend hours shuffling paper that just requires a signature and giggling about taking plane trips across the state to attend 3-4 person meetings that could have been handled over the phone. Hopefully, we can replace the steady stream of resignation emails that we've all been cc'd over the past several months with people who will clean up years of incompetence without asking too many questions.
Advice to Management
"Service" should be applied to the people we work with and not just those we work for. Company leadership is supposed to be an example and you are failing us.
Apr 30, 2014
Anonymous employee
Former employee, less than 1 year
Everett, WA
CEO approval
Business outlook
The mission at VOA is a noble one and the recognition for working for them is nice. Loved the clients.
Where to start? Constantly changing job descriptions and adding and taking away positions. No consistency or job security at all. Upper management and HR had no clue what was going on in the trenches and did not provide the support needed for staff to be successful. Pay was very poor, but that was due to state funding, not VOA. No consistency in any aspect of the organization. Has been "reorganizing" for well over 2 years and is no closer to being stable than 2 years ago. The benefits are very poor. Insurance is expensive and very poor quality.
Advice to Management
Expend more efforts at the state level advocating for better compensation so that staff can be paid what they deserve. Focus less on expanding DS and more on making the situation better for staff and clients that are already there. Increase communication within the different divisions so there is less waste and working against each other.
Nov 7, 2014
Administrative assistant
Former employee, more than 10 years
New York, NY
CEO approval
Business outlook
The only saving grace was knowing that your work was wrapped around helping the disadvantaged. That your contribution mattered to those people who needed help, and the satisfaction of knowing, at the end of the day, that you made a difference, even if it was just buying toiletries for women in the shelter.
Miserable director who spent all her time whining about her love life, ignoring the complaints of long term employees, well versed in the "code" of conduct, who tried to improve the efficiency and comply with the standards. Miss Misery gave all those folks horrible reviews, and had them terminated over bogus claims of poor performance. Employees that had been commended, and received awards for outstanding work were rewarded by being fired. Miserable, miserable place.
Advice to Management
CLEAN HOUSE. Terminate those directors whose only purpose in life is to protect her rear end by terminating loyal, hard working, DEDICATED, individuals devoted to upholding the mission of VOA before this woman single-handedly destroys your organization's reputation. One of your former employees is now HOMELESS. Despicable treatment....just despicable.