I was forced off of PTO and fired the day after I reported my team mates and supervisor for violating the FEDERAL crime of illegally sharing data and then CONCEALING it. This amounts to violations of HIPPA.
The county HOMELESS MANAGEMENT information team (who protects the security of your data) aided voaww in the cover up and now the county UTILIZES the offices of jason cummings to violate my civl rights while aiding in the cover up of hippa violations instead of exposing them and firing staff COMMITTING crimes.
have you given the county human services team or voaww your protected information? if yes then no it is not safe.
is your personal data safe?
here is the email I sent on may 19th 2024:
this was to county employee stephanie patterson who is in charge of data protection.
my email did not go through to patterson: she was emailed these photos: Patterson never made contact or responded to email or made attempt to verify the accuracy of my report.
ACTUALLY all offices of the county INVOLVED have acted with VOAWW to conceal protected data abuse.
this includes snohomish county human services, The dtat protection team (HMIS), the public advocate, and the civil prosecuting attorneys office.
Joseph Harter, eunice gonzaga and dannelle swanson force me off pto while reporting them to the health department (and IMMEDIATELY after reporting them to the health department)
Harter was shown hippa violations first hand. It is unknown if gonzaga knew this an went along or is a victum herself.
Because of the ongoing threatening behavior and HARASSMENT from housing services MANAGEMENT, thier henchman and Human resources I resigned under duress and after being HARASSED and threatened.
while engaging in COLLUSION and DECEIT regarding hippa violations patterson fails to document the ENTIRETY of my report.
Patterson falsely records mr report.and then sides steps her responsabilities as an investagator.
furthermore, both eunice gonzaga and joseph harter knowingly make false statments to discredit me as a reporter.
because the county refused to meet with me or contact me I had to give the evidance back to VOAWW—-
it was the office of HMIS TEAM to review my EVIDENCE and protect data—- they protected VOAWW and allowed date abuse to go unrecorded.
Now the office of jason cummings protects patterson and anderson and covers up hippa violations to save the county money.
Patterson was provided screen shots of original email.
She failed to respond or reply.
but she didnt fail to incorrectly document my reporting and the do zero investigation work
this is who protects are data
patterson, jackie anderson and voaww (after threatening and harrassing me then firing me for reporting) and fail to look at evidance or do anything but allow voaww to get away with multiple levels of civil rights violations.
on top of making false claims to the county t0 discredit me they also made false claims to unemployment.
unemployment ACTUALLY investigated and sided with me based on EVIDENCE provided.
so did the equal OPPORTUNITY employment commission who gave me the right to sue.
and if the HMIS team had odne thier due dilligence instead of colluding and joining the deciet I wouldve been validated by them too!!!
Now the county human services team, the public advocate, the civil prosecutors office under Jason Cummings are in the same violation of hippa as VOAWW!!!
then jackie anderson, patterson boss reponded told me case closed. no wrong doing found. then when i asked for a grievance procedure I WAS told it didnt exist.
Even had the public advocate come on the chain and affirm that there was no COMPLAINT process and to report my issues to voaww.
I filed a tort and gave the county the chance to fix the problem.
they have decided to deny it happened instead.
both voaww and the county only care about hiding the issue instead of admitting it.
now the county protects hippa VIOLATIONS and covers up MALEFICENCE THROUGH the office of Jason cummings while also protecting voaww and thier INTERESTS!!!
the office of jason cummings is not scared to join in on the dishonesty and collusion either.
prosecuting attorney adam dildofield writes “to be clear, the county has not been served…
below is the official documents that were in fact served to the county.
Every single person involved is a liar crimianl who DEFIES the ethics of thier position to save the county face and dollars!!!!
just another easy to disprove lie by a criminal county employee covering up criminal behavior.
you see that dilldofield, filed with the clerk and the auditor 19 days before you responded the 20 day summons..
must lie so much you dont even notice youre doing it!!!
this makes you a scum bag lying fat mouth and a prosecutor that protects criminals and engages in collusion and deciet.