back the blue

While I worked outreach at motel 6—-VOAWW forced me to allow crime to go unreported INCLUDING my own CLIENT SELLING from the room we paid for. Selling fentnyl and meth. Traffic all the time.

Harter and foster do not report crime because it reflects poorly on the program and charges cause client harm… No charges hold criminals accountable and priotect the community from harm.

do you want to be able to go to the parks free of drug addicts? do you want to be able to go through dairy queen with out seeing people smoking FENTANYL? are you tired of seeing PROSTITUTION openly? tired of Community theft running rampant? tired of not feeling like its safe for kids to play outside? do you want to see criminals go to jail instead of housing?

Then stop funding a social service AGENCY who preys on the financial BENEFITS of the crisis and start REfunding law ENFORCEMENT!!

the social worker agenda is to allow people to openly use drugs until they die while profiting off the crisis for economical growth.

It is denying “thier clients” the OPPORTUNITY to hit rock bottom and come clean in a jail cell.

there is no SUBSTITUTE for that kind of clean and sober. there is no rock bottom lower then that.

people do not stop doing drugs in a motel room someone else is paying for while they are provided food.

The life expectancy for an addict is 2 years now.

And while people suffer under the throws of prolonged addiction VOAWW makes millions of dollars off of the same system destroying our society.

Defund VOAWW!!!

Refund the police!!!

thank you snohomish County first responders!!!

the law abiding APPRECIATE, want and need you!!!!