This is some of the executive team running the show..

some of you are allowing data to go unprotected and clients to live in filth while being nicknamed dehumanizing names while you give yourself raises bonus’s and new office furniture….

some of you are not involved in this and PROBABLY had no idea this was happening and may even feel helpless to the situation.

I felt the same thats why I reported.

I suggest you start reporting anonymously and hope for the best. The job you save could be your own or the honest person next to you.

see my for employees page for where to report and contact information for 3rd parties.

None of you should get raises and bonus while staff break hippa, allow clients to live in filth just to be rewarded for it while clients are moved into housing without basic needs.

only scum bags could be ok with getting more money and new office furniture while the HOMELESS being used to make said money are moved into housing WITHOUT a bed/bedding, cookware/dishes or bathroom items.

they RECEIVE Substandard care while you made millions of dollars providing low QUALITY services—-thats not what your SUPPOSED to do as a non profit.

in the last four years all you talked about is new contracts and EXPANDING while all the money you can line is lining your pockets.

Apparently, The morality left with the gays after you helped Corsi PERSECUTE them out.

That was about the only christian thing you have going for you at this point.

What you are doing with your own pay sure is mighty white of you!!!

you would rather greedily pile money for yourselfs instead of admitting serious issues that caused client and communal harm.

it takes two to four years for a corrupt VOA to be DISASSEMBLED.

we are in month 10….

YOu all brought on the contracts and waived educational criteria allowing people to live in filth while being nicknamed and having thier data abused ——then you lied about it and ruined my life for reporting you!!!!

AFter years of service to the community with educated people… you waived that hiring criteria to fill seats and make money and it led to client abuse and criminal activity—-you have to own up to that now.

Brian Smith CEO

Dixie Bihn

Vice President of Infrastructure

olga fedororvski hr (HR are not there to protect EMPLOYEES; do not report to her or Swanson)

jessica moore -

VP development

Reverend Donnell AUSTIN

After DENYING me employee services she Forced unwanted contact and stalked me at work after multiple requests to leave me alone….see DRC page (no means no Donnall)

Kristi Myers COO

Claire Danielson


Kristian ELY

Strategic intiitives

kirk pearson—


Galina Volchkova-

housing services

(Program manager harter and lead foster lied to her and Eunice Gonzaga regarding hippa and client care leading to most of these issues)


chris ECK VPP

assisted austin & hr in covering up my mediation denial and unwanted forced contact then promoted Austin devaluing me as a person…I have sucidal thoughts because of what you all did to me…but hey good luck with your city counsel POSITION—you for sure deserve it.

Are you angry?! Me too!!!

look at how Joseph Harter and wendy foster allowed clients to live in the motel living in filth nicknamed they were made employee of the month and I was discredited as a reporter.

After I reported her health code, fire hazards and hippa abuse she was made employee of the month and I was gas lit as over EXAGGERATING and JEALOUS.

Then out of retaliation I was exposed to filth meth and FENTANYL while in my 16th year of recovery—-you invented the situation where this happened to me and now try to weasel your way out of it in court while trying to make me pay your lawyer fees….

YOu do not know what anger is!!!!!

For as long as you cover up what was done to me I will fight you and anyone that stands next to you until I am dead.

I will redefine what you know to be dedicated and through my perverince I will wear you down.

John Glennon-

first time we interacted looked at me like garbage and tried to shut the door on me while I was wearing my badge and a voa shirt…

DIDN'T introduce yourself or nothing.

Just another executive looking down your nose at the front end staff that makes your money.

IBOARD members coming soon