for past present  and future employees

my story:

I worked here multiple times over the course of around seven- eight years. I was fired for reporting the health code and hippa violations contained in this site.

this place used to be good but as Brian smith slowly gained power, him and the executives started focusing on making more money while giving themselves huge raises.

I stood up to them for trying to take our drive time wages and put a target on my back.

My biggest mistake was trying to tell them they were doing illegal activity instead of reporting them.

Do not make my mistake… or the mistake of people in the employee reviews. Report them quietly and keep it to yourself.

protect yourseLF:

Report in silence; tell no one. save your emails.use note taking software (does not count as a recording device). Save texts. Screenshot teams MESSAGES. Record bullying and HARASSMENT. note dishonest practises, Photograph inhumane living conditions for clients. record forced unsafe working conditions regarding FItlth disease and drugs. Protect yourselves, other staff clients and the community….

report Fraud irs at 877-829-5500, The Attorney General's office enforces the Charitable Solicitations Act 1 800 551 4636,contact the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) Office of Fraud and Accountability via their Welfare Fraud Hotline.

If you are tired of being forced to bill FCS for indirect service hours your not able to fully commit to file a complaint.

Its theft, diminished services and making profit on the backs of the vulnerable.

if you know about other levels of fraud such as attempted wage theft ,ATTEMPTED misallocation of MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT or other local/state funds misuse contact the General fraud reporting: You can also report suspected government grant fraud to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) online or by calling 1-877-FTC-HELP. 

For whistleblowers:

Department of labor:

EQUAL OPPORTUNITY employment commission:

office of special COUNSEL:

Labor and industries:




you bill those

hours we talked
