This is the motel program:
the photos below were taken from motel 6 on 128th.
this was room 126.
client INHABITED room under voaww housing services care from january 2024-may 2024.
The photos provided are from the contractor who did the repairs.
Volunteers of america western washington (VOAWW) and department of transportation (DOT) work together to clear encampments on the 1-5 CORRIDOR, placing people i motels.
DOT has removed persons placed them in VOAWWs care.
Harter and Foster lets thier clients live in filth while the CEO gives himself raises
that is fecal matter and bodily fluids from human and ANIMALS covering the surfaces …dead bugs litter the surroundings.
here you can see the varying types of bugs from the infestation dotting the toilet.
the fecal matter had dehydrated to the floor
the mirror has vaper lock from chemicals and you can see the impression from trash being stacked to the CEILING.
you can see months of bodily fluids all over the walls and bugs from the infestation everywhere.
you can see tobacco smoke staining on the door jam implying that he smoked in the fire hazard.
this program operates under program manger joseph harter.
wendy “Id choose the bear” foster is the outreach lead reporting directly to harter.
they were in charge of this client from january until he was sent back into homlessness in may.
VOAWW waived the BACHELOR'S level educational criteria the hiring CRITERIA STIPULATED to bring foster on.
after i reported that she was allowing her client to live like this she was made employee of the month and informed of my reporting on her….
I then went through unspeakable retaliation and HARASSMENT from her and her cohort.
this included exposing my serivce animal and I too filth and drug vapors from meth and FENTANYL.
when the motel threatened to end the relationship to the program, joseph harter the program manger made false claims to commerce to secure funds.
after being expected to do weekly inspections she stated “I didnt know it was like that”
we pay her over $29 an hour for this quality of work!!!!!
so total we spent around $14,000 to motel the client, $2000 to clean out the room, $7700 to repair the room———they made $29 x 40 x 4 x 5= $23000 for wendy and $9,800,000.00 for voaww and the ceo gave him 165 percent pay bump while clients were living like this….
this room was reported to all levels of voaww MANAGEMENT: n. karah lead, joseph harter program manger, eunice gonzaga policy manager, Galina volchcova housing service director, Dannelle Swanson human resources, brian smith CEO!!!!
reported in FEBRUARY and it went on until may and was ignored!!!!
after I reported voaww to the county in email on sunday may 19th I was on pto for the 20th reporting THEM and protected by fmla when they forced me off pto with threats while reporting them to the health department. I was fired that day!!!
they claim these programs as successful and PRIORITISE more funding
every person in charge allowing clients to live like this and giving themselves bonus and raises should be fired and charged with crimes.
how dare you make money of off this!!!
how dare you make money of off this!!!
employee of the month while her client lived like that; she shouldve been fired and charged her and harter.
he wants more money……help them he says. Hes there on behalf of god he says…