this is how the director of dispute resolution center of everett conducts herself behind closed doors… This is the new regime of volunteers of amercica western washington!!!!!
I had RESERVATIONS about how quickly she came to power with no formal education so she deined my family mediation an employee DISCOUNTED service others were able to access, doing IRREPARABLE damage to my family in a time of need.
we were gatekept by donnell austin with her citing it would be a conflict of INTEREST.
this was to decide our house and dogs while disovling our 12 year relationship.
After denying us austin gas lit my partner and then made forced unwanted contact online multiple times until forcing herself on me in person.
Human resources aided her in CONCEALING the illegal activity to avoid ramifacations and did harm to me instead.
dispute RESOLUTION director
unwanted contact forcer
ministry team member
exceptionally unaccountable
SPOTLIGHT on DOnnell Austin
“i lead with fear intimidation, blame shifting while playing favorites and using people as disposable tools!!!! ANONYMOUS
my first complaint after INITIAL denial!!!
I ask for donnell austin to be removed from porcess!!!
they INITIATE a second chance. the very first thing I am informed is austin is still involved. voaww COMPLETELY neglecting my requests to have her removed.
austin ignoring my request to have no contact begins forcing contact letting me know she’s aware Ive asked for no contact, explaining that request hurt. zero respect for personal or professional BOUNDARIES.
she is then asked to not contact me again directly.
as a director of a dispute resolution center she ignores my requests and continues forced unwanted contact completely disregarding ethics and causing me emotional harm.
now after being asked to not contact em directly as well as thourhg a manager she proceeds to contniue to contact me.
Now threatening to take me to human resources.
Might as well they helped her get away with this and the promoted her after harrassing me.
PROBABLY as a reward for blocking thier skim on travel wages.
I reported her to human resources and they didnt give a crap.
I would bet they didnt even record it.
Danelle swanson is not a good person and not an honest human resources worker. more faces THAN a crowd. her and AUSTIN.
not only did swanson or federoski in human services not do anything about it,
they allowed the HARASSMENT to contniue.
Further more THEY informed her and then allowed her to force herself on my person.
now they use a lawyer to dismiss the case with no fault.
she popped out from behind a bush and forced me into conversation after being asked not to contact me over three times directly.
they cover up anything that would cost them money or public standing including HARASSMENT and unwanted forced contact…and then they blame shift and gas light the victum to save face!!!!!!!
no honor, no integrity, no honesty——nothing but lies, greed and upper MANAGEMENT using whom ever they want while giving themselves huge raises and bonuses as the social problems they are paid to manage grows worse.
this is what voaww leadership under brian smith and kristi meyers looks like…….
All part of thier $14.8 million dollar three year skim. Cant have $14.8 million if you have to pay out for law suits over forced contact by a manager if your not honest about it.
and after all this I was placed on leave gas lit, blamed, shamed, made fun of and then tehy prmoted her and gave her more power and more money!!!!
and contrary to the perjury THEY'VE committed in thier response, shes never been my supervisor
just someone above me who doesnt deserve her POSITION and cant respect personal or professional boundaries.
“no means no, donnell”